Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whoa never had so much fun ever since....... um I can't remember. Today I attended the Kwang Hua school prefects' annual gathering. It was a WHOLE load of fun, seriously.
Okay those lucky ones who went are Gerard, Yi Jing, Clarissa, Navdeep, Kavi, Jonathan, Brandon, Koh Zhi Yang, Xoong Harng and me!! Hahaha (: Yup, the gathering goes with the theme "Touching Stars, Reaching Destiny." It means something like we are the shining stars that brighten something-something and I can't really remember.... when the head prefect of Kwang Hua(Chris Tee Fu Yuan) was saying. So sorry. Alright talking about that guy, he's a seriously COOL dude, he's nice, polite, warm, charming and everything, he's the HEAD PREFECT!!! LOL haha, to conclude all he's superb nice guy :D During the ice breaking session, I got to know many people, it was a really fun experience. You got to know more people, make
new friends, be socialize!
Then there are these things opening ceremony, souvenir giving, lunch, lucky draw[guess who's the luck winner from our school over few hundreds of people there, it's Brandon! He was super lucky, hahaha.], slide show, great performances, games and last but not least photo session. To sum up everything, we could see the Kwang Hua school prefects really gave their heart 100% in making this event come true. We could see their all hardworks paid because it came to a good-happy ending! We had fun so much fun singing, dancing, socializing, playing games and all sorts. Thank you so much Kwang Hua school prefectorial board!!!! I HAD LOADS OF FUN!!! REALLY I DO ((((((:
Hahaha okay here's the funny part. Apart from that, the afternoon session prefects were also joining this event. And when we 1st reached the school, the junior prefects would bring us for a tour in their school. It was really cool, my 1st time in Kwang Hua High School. LOL. Yeah then this guy the head prefect of afternoon session thought I was in form2. He wanted to make friends with me, and Gerard heard and told him I am a form4 student. Then laugh-out-loud that little kid was super surprised, he thought that I was in f2, wth. He said I look young. Haha and before leaving, that Gerard said I could go for somekind of competition and that little fella said he'll definitely vote for me, hahaha! He's super cute! Thanks little kiddo... Wish I was younger :P
LOL yeah I guess that's all for now.......... :)

Y7:02 AM

24/4/09 was a cloudy and good day. I woke up this morning as usual, 5.45a.m., prepared and got to school. Earlier yesterday night 11 something, Poh Mun wished me happy birthday. She was the first person. Poh Mun, she's a really nice girl and she was once my bestfriend back when we were in form1. I missed the time we used-to spend together. Thank you so much Poh Mun!!!!! XOXO And also not to be forgotten, those who stayed up late to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY, thank you so much!!!!!!!! I really appreciate it... (:

Then later Rhu Yee [Wei Han's sister] was the first person to wish me in school during the prefects' assemble. I was totally surprised how she got to know but she didn't tell me how. I bet it should be TAN WEI HAN who told her. Haha, big-mouth!!! Well actually I have planned to keep it low-profile this year. Honestly, I didn't tell any1 at all except for Kai Li&Sin Yee. I wonder how people knew.....

This year I've receieved a special birthday present, it was really really nice........ It's a merry-go-round music box. Will upload images of it when I have the camera :P
Okay the climax is the celebration. Mom and dad made my wish came true somehow although it was only a few hours. I really do appreciate what God has given me and I do show gratitude, I appreciated every moment and every second of my life so that I wouldn't have regrets later on.
We had dinner at the Johnny's restaurant in Bukit Kuda Aeon Jusco. Mom, Dad, Sis and my younger bro was there celebrating with me. We had great and delicious meals and sis brought a cake she bought from Subang Jaya. Fyi, we had the cake at the restaurant. Hahaha I blew the candles and made my wishes there, everybody around us was looking with astonished :P Thank you sis!!!!! I love ya!
After that, sis headed back to Subang because she had something to do. The rest of us went shopping. I bought a yellow colour-laced dress. It was really nice, my opinion but mom said it looked like a sleeping gown -___-" but in the end we bought it! Hahaha. Mom asked me whether I really like it or not, of course I said I do so she bought it. Thanks mom!!! :D Oh yeah on that day, dad bought me a Nike's water bottle as well. Oh my Lord, I'm such a lucky girl born in this lucky family, haha! Thank you dad!!!!!! mom, sis and bro for making my life, my day meaningful (:
Okay finally, we ended everything with a basket of Baskin Robbin's Pint ice cream!!!!!!! That's all for my lovely birthday celebration on 24/4/09

Y2:57 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Okay, here it is my first ever blog about my life, my journal and everything that happens in my life.

Y7:23 AM

Hi! Thanks for coming to my blog (: I hope you'll have fun reading about my journal of life.. LOL

The name is Gillian, she has a passion in dreaming and she can dream all day long, hahaha (: no IT'S ALL YEAR-LONG! She thinks by blogging, she could voice out and shares her journeys with her beloved ones (: and she doesn't keep diaries, so this could be considered as her online diary?

  • My prince charming
  • $$$
  • Dream all day-night-year-long

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    April 2009

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